Special Educational Needs
All children develop at different rates and schools are sensitive to this. Here at Henhurst Ridge Academy, we carefully monitor every child’s development and work with parents and other agencies to ensure that all children have every opportunity to achieve their very best and feel successful at school. Sometimes children need extra help and attention to support their learning needs; this may be for a short time or for the whole of their school life.
Our school aims to provide all pupils with strategies for dealing with their needs in a supportive environment, and to give them meaningful access to the National Curriculum and all aspects of school life. In particular, we aim to:
- enable every pupil to experience success;
- promote individual confidence and a positive attitude;
- ensure that all pupils, whatever their special educational needs, receive appropriate educational provision through a broad and balanced curriculum that is relevant and differentiated, and that demonstrates coherence and progression in learning;
- give pupils with SEND equal opportunities to take part in all aspects of the school’s provision, as far as is appropriate;
- ensure that children with SEND have opportunities to receive and make known information, to express an opinion, and have that opinion taken into account in any matters affecting; them;
- identify, assess, record and regularly review pupils’ progress and needs;
- involve parents/carers in planning and supporting at all stages of their children’s development;
- work collaboratively with parents, other professionals and support services; and ensure that the responsibility held by all staff and governors for SEND is implemented and maintained.
If as a parent you have questions about your child’s development, please contact the school. We will do all we can to ensure that your child is appropriately supported and that you are kept up to date and well informed.
Special Educational Needs Information Report
Our SEN information report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the school’s approach to identifying and supporting pupils with Special Educational Needs to ensure that these pupil’s make good progress and that any barriers to learning are recognized and removed as much as possible.
Click below to download the report.